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+98 21 88446469

parsian hotel azadi

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The purpose of Tehran Parsian Azadi Hotel from the beginning has been rendering 5-star services to those guests who wish to experience such services and take benefit from the traditional Iranian guest respecting. 
Therefore, upon you decide to be our guest, you will be placed for 5-star position for us and this hotel shall take benefit from its total capacities to achieve your satisfaction.
We are proud that after renovation, we have hosted famous figures such as Ban-Ki Moon, Kufi Annan, Catherin Ashton, Xavier Solana, Venezuelan President, Mahatir Mohammad, Indian PM, Zigmar Gabriel, the German Deputy Chancellor and Ministry of Economy, Austrian President, Sep Blatter, Head of FIFA, Talib Al-Refaei (head of WTO), Bangladeshi PM, Indonesian PM, AC Milan Soccer Team, National Soccer Team, Bryan Tracey, Kitaro and Shahrdad Rohani, Professor Samiei and several celebrities. 

  • parsian hotel azadi
  • parsian hotel azadi
  • parsian hotel azadi
  • parsian hotel azadi

Facility Hotel

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Coffee Shop
Room Service
free Wifi
Swiming Pool
Safe Box

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